Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I am just gonna be blunt about it. Families aren't always the picture perfect group you see on post cards. They don't always say they care, aren't always there for each other and quite often can be down right rude and nasty.

For the past 11 months I have been actively job searching. You think of it I have applied for it and most jobs I got told I was "over qualified for" or "we aren't hiring right now". I graduated in May 2010 with a B.S. in Veterinary Technology. Over qualified for pet retail,not certified to practice as a tech and not planning on going on to vet school or even back to school in general. I have been staying alive essentially off savings and money that I did get from dog walking and pet sitting, it was essentially gas money but it did help.

My folks decided for their own self interest they wanted to move to VT. I see why partially as they had an outrageous mortgage but I still think had they been a bit more responsible and budgeted a bit better they could have done better than they were doing. But I digress.

I finally this past Monday get an email from a temp agency in CT saying to come in and fill out an application and be seen for an interview on Tuesday morning. I called a few people and found somewhere to stay for a few days and made the 130mile drive back to CT in a snow storm for this interview. The drive wasnt bad at all it just made the trip a bit longer.

I went for the interview and met ALL the qualifications (clean criminal history, no drug use, reliable car and passed a phone personality test) and was told to go to the job site later that night and talk to the guy who would be my boss if I got the job. I went the guy was nice loved me and my personality and felt I would be perfect for the job. He all but said I was hired. I will know whether or not I got the job in a day or two :)

I am writing this blog because as this should be seen as a happy moment and a triumphant one for finally landing a job I got nothing but negative feed back from them. The following is a short list of direct quotes from them:

"Are you sure you want to move back to CT, its expensive?"
"I think your gonna fail!"
"You should see about transferring back up this way."
"Don't bother calling me if your Jeep breaks down."

Maybe I do expect too much of them to be supportive and to actually encourage me to jump on the opportunities that have arisen. Not ONCE did they even say congrats when I told them I essentially got the job. The only response I got was "well when are you coming back?". I gave up a lot of stuff when I moved to VT with them and that move only fucked me over as you can NOT practice veterinary medicine to any extent without a licence in that state. and most jobs were 1-2 hrs one way away and didnt pay well.

If this job works out I am taking it. I have places to stay. it is full time work nights and pays $11.25/hr which is a doable salary, it will be tight and I cant go many places but I can pay my bills at least on that salary on a straight 40hr a week(they said there was almost always over time and that it was 100% volunteer based). I am also gonna see about income based repayment for my private loans as Sallie Mae wants 600 a month which is just insanely ridiculous. If I can get that even cut in half it will help me a lot.

Speaking of loans the ONLY reason they are so high is because I have no cosigner. My folks have shitty credit and no one in my extended family would co-sign.

This isnt the only time my folks have given me grief about something. When I bought my jeep I was able to afford the insurance and gas and they fought me tooth and nail on it. My first vehicle my father decided for me to redo the motor (I said scrap it, it was an 89 mustang and i didnt want to put that much into it) and then told me I owed him almost 2K for parts and labor FOR SOMETHING I NEVER AGREED TO AND LEFT ME CAR LESS FOR 6 MONTHS! (he also did this again with my 92 nissan after he forced me to buy it despite my insistent no on the matter). When the family dog was old and needed to be put down they threated to call animal control on me if I didnt pay for it to be done. And also the countless times they didnt see my brother (a known schitzophrenic and bipolar disorder person) go after me for no reason and it was brushed off as nothing or my fault. Hell asking to borrow 10 dollars for gas to get me through till the next day was a challenge (however if they needed it it was expected to be given up on the spot!).

I'm sick of the hypocrisy and double standard and lack of support in that house. I dont ask for much at all and I by all means live fairly simple and I am not a hard person to get along with or live with. Hell I don't even eat much, but thats besides the point. I figure this will be good for all of us. Me being there is gonna drive me insane and further create issues.I'll be out on my own and able to figure things out without being too far away in case shit hits the fan (which I dont for see happening if everything works in my favor).

I realize I am not perfect and times are hard, no one is perfect and we are all going through things but thats no excuse to be obnoxious to anyone especially your kids.

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